By means of the link on this page it is possible to report actions and/or behaviors that cause damage to the public interest or the integrity of the public administration.
Only actions and/or behaviors of which one has personally become directly aware while carrying out one’s duties in the workplace can be reported.
Actions and/or behaviors that:
- Other people claim to know
- They relate to their individual working relationship
- They refer to one’s personal economic interests
All reports reporting possible damage to the public interest or to the integrity of the public administration will be handled by a person specifically authorized by the company who will be able to forward the report to the judicial authority.
It should be noted that FASER is not able to know and/or trace the reporting party unless the reporting party communicates his identity.
Reports may also have criminal consequences.
By specific legislative provision, retaliatory actions against the whistleblower are prohibited.
FASER will implement all necessary actions, including legal ones, for any false reports that may damage its image and economic interests.